Monday, June 7, 2010

Mook of the Week

Welcome to the latest installment of Mook of the Week.

I saw these mooks one day while waiting for Stig to show up for lunch. At least one of them worked in the shop near them. He is a nice enough guy. I have dealt with him in the shop a few times. However, he is a mook as his behaviour here shows.

Now, I understand some, ok MANY, shops put stuff out on the sidewalk. In this case turning what is a 3-4 person sidewalk into a 1 person sidewalk. That on its own is annoying. But these guys take it to the next level. And unlike Stallone in that crappy movie "Get Carter" there IS a next level. Putting chairs out on the street and sitting there.

They seemed oblivious to the traffic that had to swerve partially into the 2nd lane to go around them. I have seen them sitting out on the road many times. Sometimes their chairs were halfway out into the lane. If someone beeps their horn or says something they start doing the mook dance, shaking their fists, and yelling "shebal sekis" at the "offender". After all, they are mooks and can't understand that THEY are in the wrong.

So, a 3-4 person sidewalk is turned into 1 lane as is a two lane street because these guys want to sit down and talk while keeping an eye on the stuff they have blocking the sidewalk. A street that can get very busy at times because Home Plus is across the way.

Sometimes, in the evening, you can see them sitting there drinking soju, makkeoli, or dongdongju. Mooking about as if they owned the world.

These are prime examples of mooks.


  1. the mook dance is a youtube video waiting to be made. everybody in da house say 'Shi! Bal!' 'Se! Ki!'

  2. Heh ... I have need had the camera ready when I have seen them dancing. And they always stop by the time I get it out.

  3. If they are going to block the sidewalk at least do it with a couple of do-me girls. Just peaking around seeing what blogger deserves my ire next.

  4. That is true.

    I haven't heard do-me girls before. It is an apt term though. We usually call them Star Trek girls because the first few we saw were all done up in tinfoil coloured clothing.
