Monday, June 28, 2010

What is your story?

I realize that not everyone wants to write a blog. However, many people have their own story to tell. Do you have a hagwon from hell story? Would you like it told to others? Feel free to email me your story and I will post it for you. It can be under your name, a pen name, or anonymous.


  1. Please don't turn your blog into a Dave's ESL Cafe style whiners forum. It's better than that.

  2. No worries about that happening. :)

  3. I liked reading about that Ivy place. Thankfully I have never worked for a Hagwon, and have had a pretty blessed experience here, but if worse comes to worst and I do have to work for one, I'll know what to expect.

  4. Thanks 3gyupsal.

    I was lucky with my last hagwon. Great boss.

  5. Burndog ... this is why I figured there would be no change. I didn't expect anyone to actually sub it a story. And no one did. :) Just figured I would make the offer.
