Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Schedule

What a weird week. Who would have thought getting used to a new schedule, a better schedule, would be hard. This month I have a cherry schedule. 10-3:20. 6 classes. BUT it meant getting used to waking up in the morning, instead of having to start work at 3PM. Maybe it was because of the sinus and throat infection I am getting over. Maybe it is the sleep patter. Maybe all that or nothing or more.

Whatever it is, I had a hard time adjusting. I found myself going to bed at 8 or 9 PM a few night! Gah! I would get home and just kind of sit there staring at the computer screen wondering "What the fuck should I be doing?"

Now that the week is winding down I have gotten used to the schedule. Next week will be great. Unfortunately, in February I will go back to the old craptastic schedule. :(

Oh well such is life in the Land of the Morning Calm. Enjoy it when the times are good because they can become bad faster than YankeeNom can say Blian Golden Balls.

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