Sunday, January 24, 2010

Part 2: Never break up the group

As I mentioned, when we left the restaurant things continued. The two Fucktards must have gotten bored because they left at one point.

For some stupid reason that no one could ever explain to me everyone else decided to break up our group. DongChim REALLY wanted to fight Katusa boy. If it weren't for him we probably could have defused the situation. Everytime things started settling he would start raging and cursing at KATUSA boy. Then things would escalate again. I said we should stick together, especially since we now actually out numbered them. I was ignored.

Matt and Dave took BumSuk off one way. I was left with Hilda and DongChim. And what happened next was pretty much what I expected. The cowards now had a choice go after a group with 3 guys or 2 guys and 1 woman. They acted just like you would expect, they went after the group with 2 guys and a woman. You know Koreans are never braver than when they outnumber you. And now they had saw an opportunity to have 2-1 odds. (They don't count woman as a threat in a fight unless she is an adjumma. Ooops I mean a RUBY.)

The ninth time KATUSA Boy and DongChim went at it I said fuck it. Never tried to stop them. Have your one on one fight. It was a fair fight at first. A typical Korean on Korean fight. Lots of posturing before they came to blows. Then they just ended up grappling on the ground with no one having the advantage.

Of course, Koreans rarely fight fair when they can gang up on someone. While KATUSA boy was on the bottom of the grapple, holding our friend in place, two of his buddies started putting the boots to DongChim. Immigration boy started stomping on his back while one of the Ricetards tried to kick him in the head. I intervened then and sent the mook going for the head flat on his ass. He got up and ran away. (No idea where the other Ricetard was at that point. I think he buggered off when the grappling started.) Immigration boy also fucked off rather than face me. (I am not much of a fighter but I am a big guy so it puts people off. Usually I am able to calm things down without fighting.)

DongChim and KATUSA Boy were still grappling so I decided to end that and separate them. KATUSA boy was flailing around and started cursing at me. That is when Hilda, who had been watching from the sidelines, said that I should let our friend kill him. It turns out the piece of shit KATUSA coward had ran up to her at one point while I was trying to control DongChim, screamed "Go home you fucking bitch!" and PUNCHED her in the face. That was it for me. I drove my right fist into his mouth, had a nice gout of blood shoot up my arm. At that point he decided the fight was over. As they broke up he took the opportunity to sucker punch DongChim. He drove his glasses up UNDER the eyelid with the punch. Actually it severed part of the eyelid underneath. (Keep in mind we didn't know it was that serious at the time. We thought he had been cut around the eye.) Then he ran off like the piece of shit coward he is.

That was the end of the fight but not the story. I had already learned a valuable lesson. Most Korean men are never braver than when they outnumber you. There would be more lessons to come in the aftermath.

The next lesson was that Koreans are VERY poor losers. KATUSA Boy had lost the fight, because his friends couldn't help him, so he took the opportunity to sucker punch someone rather than just let it end. It allowed him to "save face". I lost but I got the last hit in. Then he could run away like a piece of shit coward but still brag to his friends.

Another lesson was how racist your average Korean is when it comes to pigeon holing foreigners. If you are white you are American. Later I would learn blondes were the exception to this rule. If you were blonde you must be Russian, and blonde women must be Russian hookers. All blacks are from Africa. All Japanese are evil. All other Asians are dirty and poor.

... to be continued ...


  1. You sucker punch ok? Korean do he is coward? Fuck you!

  2. Hi Anonymous.

    I would bee lieing if I said I never questioned what I did punching him in the face. Here is why I don't consider it a sucker punch. No one was holding him back. He was looking me in the eyes. I actually said "Try punching me asshole."

    When he hit DongChim I was in the process of moving him back and away. DongChim was not looking at him. He gave no warning. To me that is a sucker punch.

    I hope that explains it for you.

    Oh yes, thanks for the offer of sex. If you are a woman please contact me. If you are just another G-Dragon wanna be, sorry I don't swing that way.

  3. Hahaha, that anonymous is a joke from one of your other users. When you look at his english level, how could he possibly have understood your article?

    Unfortunately for you anonymous, Korean men aren't the most renown for their courage. I'm not treating you and your compatriots of cowards, but just wake the fuck up and look around. Why do Korean men exclusively get married with girls 5 to 10 years younger than them? Is it a proof of self-confidence? Why would Korean yell at each other and threaten each other like gay roosters, and run away from each other when they get too close from each other? Why is the rate of hit-and-runs in this country so high? Why would Korean men pick fight at 10 against 2, with foreigners in Seoul, but cry their mothers if they're 6 Korean getting in a fight with two foreigners? Why are most of Koreans so much racist against Westerners? Isn't it a proof of jealousy/attack to their self-confidence? Why would you beat your women, furthermore that often and that much? Why is the rate of suicides in Korea, the highest of the world? Are those proofs of courage? And at last, why are you an anonymous?

    Well, if it isn't a joke, I'm always amazed by people like you anonymous. You wouldn't tell "Fuck you" to Flint if you were front of him, trust me.

  4. I was kind of happy to have my first hate mail. Hope it was real. :)
