Chris in South Korea once wrote:
"I beg of you, for the love of whatever God / Goddess you believe in, to never mention the Yankee Nom / Idiot’s Tale blog ever again. It may well be a popular blog that reaches to people’s most basic needs (in the same way ‘Ow my balls!’ did in the movie ‘Idiocracy’), but it has nothing credible to assist people in Korea. I can’t believe it’s considered popular, and hope it fades into a meaningless existence."
What prompted him to do this was that in an online popularity contest ... I mean poll ... An Idiots Tale was winning. Chris' site wasn't. He felt that his blog was better because it is credible. That is, it helps new comers to Korea learn about things and gives travel information. While he felt An Idiot's Tale did nothing. (Except make people laugh.)
As I said back then, I don't usually go to his site. The few times I have gone I found it ... lacking. He tried, I have to give that to him. But for me, he failed. His pictures were ok but christ having 2 boring paragraphs describing an empty lot. No thanks. I was willing to admit that it could just be me. As Chris often whines, the site, especially the Life in Korea section, is more for newbies to Korea than "old timers".
Today a friend pointed out a post on
An Idiots Tale. It talked about Chris' latest
"helpful information" post. I have to say it just confirmed what I already knew. His site is pedantic. If I were a newcomer to Korea I would find it more insulting than useful because he seems to have an extremely low view of the intelligence of newbies.
In the aforementioned post, Chris came up with 4 ways to beat the heat in Korea. Reading that one would expect some insightful things. Places to go and things to do. If you expected that you were sadly mistaken. It isn't that his 4 suggestions were just bland or unimaginative. They were just so obvious that to actually use them in a serious post is crazy. His 4 points, with my comments, are:
1) Make sure your floor heat is off.
You would think that feeling it on would have someone asking their boss how to turn it off. I mean give people SOME credit. "Hey. My apartment is hot. My floor is hot. How do I shut it off? I know, I'll ask my boss."
2) Reduce the humidity.
Now this one, and the advice about the hippos, had the potential to be good. I never learned about hippos until well into my 1st summer in Korea. While they don't do much for dragging the overall humidity of a room down they are good for use in closets and enclosed balconies to prevent mold from forming. Chris' comment makes it sound the hippo will drain all the humidity from your apartment, which isn't true.
3) Use a fan or air conditioner.
How stupid are the people that frequent his page? Or how stupid does he think they are? I can't think of anyone that would need to be told this when they first get to Korea. It ranks up there with Ralph Wiggum informing Lisa that his cat's breath smells like cat food.
4) Eat ice cream or something cold. Once again ... what the kimchi?!?!? He thinks people have to be told this?!?!?!? Ralph what does your cat's breath smell like again?
This is the great information that makes his blog credible and helpful for newcomers?
In the comment section, there were only 4 comments, 2 are replies from Chris. One commentor hit the nail on the head. Mr T said:
"Are you serious? These suggestions are obvious things that a common idiot would or should know about. There is no real redeeming quality to this post."
That is a pretty spot on. I do think the Hippo stuff had some value but Chris missed it. Chris' reply basically ignored the gyst of Mr T's comment and, well, reality.
"@Mr. T - Posts starting with 'Life in Korea' are written/aimed towards those newer expats among us - not everyone knows to look for the controls on the wall, or to look for 'Hippo Packs'. Perhaps it's not as relevant to you or a more experienced expat, but there are far more 'newbies' than veterans."
What the kimchi?!?!? What the blue hell does there being more newbies than experienced people have to do with the fact that only an idiot would have to be TOLD to use a fan or air conditioner to stay cool? Only an utter moron would need to be told to eat ice cream to cool off. Nice of him to avoid mentioning those tidbits of advice in his reply.
Then I started looking at past "informative" posts.
How to get a haircut? He actually gives the tourist hotline number for people to call for help? I would suggest they do what I did ... ask their co-workers for help. It isn't rocket science.
Packing up, moving out, and moving in. You will need boxes. You should cancel your internet. Change your addresses to your new one. Throw away what you don't need. Clean. Jesus H MF Christ, are these people new to Korea or new to life?
I could go on and on but why beat a dead horse. If this is an example of a credible blog then give me the incredible ones because it sucks. I have seen better advice on Dave's ESL Cafe and that is something I NEVER thought I would say.
My advice to others would be what I am going back to do (at least until he posts something else this funny in its stupidity) which is ignore the site.
If you are new to Korea and need help talk to your co-workers or find a credible site and ask questions there. A site where you aren't assumed to have the IQ of a door knob.