Thursday, March 4, 2010

What the ... Ad/Spam?!?!?!?

My first spam/ad asshole!!!!!!

Fake Degree said...

Get university online degree at home at best quality and affordable price for lost diploma. Its a new way to take online degree.

Mr. Fake Degree's company is really

Shun Luen Co. Ltd.
Sounggang Tantou 2nd Industrial Zone,
Block 27 & 28, Shenzhen, China

I guess, as in Korea, there is no one in China these ricetards could have had proof read the English for them. And I should trust them to get the English right on the degree because?

The site is actually kind of funny to read. They try to come off as a Novelty Diploma company. Read the FAQ some of them will make you laugh.

From "Warning to Canadian and American Customers"

"The law, of course, is a little different here. We are not saying that our government permits counterfeits to be made here, but they do have a great deal of leniency towards novelty items. "

Because we all know the PRC Government would never condone, or take a kickback from, knock off items.

Another gem is "Will My Records Be On File At The School I Choose?"

"We are in no way affiliated with any school, or government agency, therefore we cannot put you or your attendance on any school records. Though the products we make are designed to look like the real thing, and will fool many people, they are not issued through any school or government. They are novelty items meant for playing jokes, or perhaps convincing your father that you did graduate."

What kind of fucktard would ask a question like that? Oh yeah, one that didn't get a University education. Or much of any other kind of education.

Then there is this warning under "Methods of Payment"

"THE FOLLOWING IS VERY IMPORTANT:PLEASE DO NOT send your payment to our business address. If you do not live within China, we ask that you do not mail your payment directly to us. We are having problems with customs, and they have been taking all of our mail and packages and seizing the payments. For this reason, we have built a new payment system."

I don't know how to tell you this Mr. Fake Degree but ... the government MIGHT be on to you and getting ready to shut you down. If they are seizing your mail, packages, and payments it might be a sign. But I could be wrong. What do I know? ;)

They also guarantee 100% satisfaction!!!

Wow! Ok. I am sold. I would trust sending them $100+ for a degree or transcript. What a compelling ad. :)


  1. Get to them before the government. The Chinese government usually has a... permanent solution to a lot of its problems.

  2. It's kinda funny to read through the page :)
    Anyway do they real or just a scam artist??

  3. They print real FAKE degrees. :)
