Thursday, March 4, 2010

What the .... Dokdo?!?!?

There was actually an interesting article in the Korea Time's. It shows that once again Koreans tend to be their own worst enemy when it comes to getting their message out about Dokdo.

In 2008 a group of Koreans held a protest outside the Japanese embassy. These braniacs wanted to show the world how evil Japan was. Yes, it was all about Dokdo again.

These idiots bludgeoned pheasants to death with hammers. Tore out their innards, some of the birds were still alive at that point. Then threw the bodies at the Japanese Embassy. All done in front of the media they notified of the event.

THIS was supposed to show how evil the Japanese are? Let's see, some morons torture/murder some animals to show that someone else is evil. I wonder how much soju it took to come up with this stupid plan. Instead of making Japan look evil it made Korea look cruel and stupid.

Then there were the kimchi commandoes in 2007 who decided to protest the moving of a military base to Incheon by ripping a live pig into quarters. Yes you heard it right, being drawn and quartered didn't die out with the middle ages. The morons attached ropes to a 2 month old pigs legs and then ripped it apart. Alive.

At least this time the Koreans didn't shoot themselves in the foot slaughtering helpless animals this time.

This part of the article was interesting;

"Under such circumstances, some experts say that the series of overseas ads may result in highlighting it as an area of international territorial dispute, rather than serving their original intent of strengthening Korea's claims to Dokdo.

Previously, another full-page ad appeared in The New York Times, proclaiming Korea's rights to the island.

The ad was one of the reasons that United States once designated Dokdo's status as "undesignated sovereignty" in 2008 rather than its previous listing as "Korean territory.""

It makes sense. Putting up an ad to dispute Japan owning Takeshima, errr I mean Dokdo would make people logically think the ownership of the islands was disputed. Unfortunately for Koreans they don't usually think logically.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch and start screaming how nasty that is to say just harken back to the Mad Cow "debate" and protests. Where a Korean government official said that the science of the problem wasn't an issue. It is a cultural problem. What the kimchi?!?!? It doesn't matter if science proves something is safe or not.

Like I said logic doesn't tend to prevail here. Nor do rational responses.


  1. It's not Dokdo, it's not Takeshima. Those too insignificant pebbles are called Liancourt Rocks.

    Great article.

  2. My Francophone ancestors say I must bow to your logic. :)

  3. Ripping apart the pig was brutal. I wonder what will people in other countries feel when these sights are actually shown into their living rooms.

    I remember that Yonhap showed that on TV. Disgusting.

  4. I came across something about Hanbok. Here's what I read on a certain famed forum....

    Hanbok is a Korean Kimono wore during Chinese New Year.

    What will you make of this? Damn the foreigners.

  5. Ajay

    I think they would feel pretty disgusted seeing that. I know the friends I sent links to the video to were. Some wouldn't watch it after seeing pictures on the net.

  6. Ajay

    Heh . Japanese kimono for Chinese New Year.

    Careful now don't want the nutizens coming after us. Tthem's fighting words.

  7. Google has plenty of info about Korea and their love of irrational over reactions. This is one crazy country.

  8. KRD

    That is true. Life is rarely dull long here. :)
