Sunday, February 28, 2010

Land Of The Morning Dead

I like horror movies. My favourite character is Dracula, but zombies figure prominently among the many creatures that inhabit that scary landscape.
"Night Of The Living Dead" (1968)
"Dawn Of The Dead" (1978)
"Day Of The Dead" (1985)
"Land Of The Dead" (2005)
"Diary Of The Dead" (2007)
These are classics of the genre. No-one does it as good as George A. Romero.
So it's easy to see why I would liken the mooks and ajummas that shamble through my life here to the antagonists of Romero's series.
Whenever I leave my school, I pretend I'm in one of these movies, and I have to get to my car and get home before one of them catches me and eats my brain.
I've taken dialogue from these movies, and pieced it together to provide a commentary on what I, and Flint, and no doubt many others have experienced, and what conclusions we might make.

"They're ordinary looking people. Some say they appear to be in some sort of trance. Others describe them as being misshapen monsters. At this point, there's no really authentic way for us to say who or what to look for and guard yourself against. Stay inside your houses behind locked doors."

"I realized that I was alone with fifty or sixty of those things, just staring at me! I plowed right through them. They didn't move! ... they just stood there, staring at me!"

"The scientific community is focusing on the phenomenon, specifically on that trance-like state that seems to characterize them. Clearly a behavioural disorder..."

"I've only been around them a minute or two, but that's time enough for me to decide that I don't like them very much."

"They're so slow. We could just walk right past 'em and we wouldn't even have to run."

"They're all messed up."

"What are they doing? Why do they come here?"
"Some kind of instinct. Memory of what they used to do. This was an important place in their lives."

"They're still here."
"They're after us. They know we're still here."
"They're after the place. They don't know why. They just remember. Remember that they want to be in here."

"What the hell are they?!"

"These creatures cannot be considered human. They prey on humans. Intelligence? Seemingly little or no reasoning power, but the basic skills remain. More a remembered behaviour from normal life. There are reports of these creatures using tools, but even these actions are the most primitive..."

"They are us."

"I once saw one of these things sitting behind the wheel of a car... trying to drive down the street. It didn't make me want to be its friend."

"We don't have enough ammunition to shoot them all in the head."

"You want to put some kind of explanation on all this? Here's one as good as any other: We're bein' punished by the creator..."

"It wants me! It wants food! But it has no stomach, can take no nourishment from what it ingests. It's acting on instinct!
"I call him Bub... Bub's been responding so well, I let him live."
"But is he alive or dead? Well that's the question nowadays, isn't it?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you people? They're dead! They're fuckin' dead!"

"Temporarily out of service."

"Zombies, man. They creep me out."

"They're pretending to be alive..."

"The problem doesn't seem to be that people are waking up dead, but that dead people are waking up."

"What is it? What gets into our heads when we see something horrible? A horrible accident on the highway? Something keeps us from just driving on. Something holds us. But we don't stop to help. We stop to look."

"Lock yourself inside! Don't trust anyone, not even those you love."

"They are monsters. Monsters who prey on the flesh of the living."

"See?! I told you dead things move slow!"

"Morning approaches. Things always look better in the morning calm."
"Not to me. Mornings bring light. Light brings mooks. I prefer the darkness. It's easier to hide from mooks in the dark."


  1. Hahaha! Brilliant! There are soooo many that apply ... and make me chuckle.

  2. I liked Shaun of the Dead and Dawn of the Shed.

  3. Zombieland is another good one.
    Bill Fuckin' Murray!

  4. Haha perfect. I watched 5 zombie movies last week. Maybe it's because I want something to relate to.
