Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mooks will be mooks.

I had a great night tonight And what always tries to throw a mookney wrench into a great night. mooks.

Had some rum with Stig. Great time. Drank, watched some vids, shot the shit at his place. As an aside, Kana World Liqour now carries a West Indies white rum called Silver Dragon. It costs a whopping 8900 won. About $8. I thought it would be horrid but it turned out to be somewhat good. But I digress.

Walking from Stig's to the main drag to find a cab there are no sidewalks. I can understand people walking up this road. Three mooks are walking up. Only three. But they have to take up the whole road. They see me coming down on the left. Taking up ... as much space as one person (or two) can take up walking down the side of the road. They proceed taking up the whole road.

At this point I decided I would not accommodate them. I was not going to stop, step aside, or in any other way move. Sure enough they keep walking up and one of them walks right into me. He ended up flat on his ass with me looking down at him saying "Is this going to be a problem?"

He had enough sense to sit there, apologize, get up, and walk away with his friends. I don't usually go looking for a fight but when someone is that stupid (and rude) he gets what he deserves.

I get a taxi fairly quickly. Surprise him by telling him the route he will take to my apartment in korean. It is quicker. I was going to give him a tip. His route would have cost 4000 won, not the 2500 won of my route. So I was going to give him 4000 won. He didn't ask any stupid questions or otherwise bother me on the ride. When he stops to let me out he goes on about me being fat. There goes your tip you stupid fucker. You get what the meter says, and get told in Korean that you are fucking rude.

Mooks. What can you do about them?


  1. This is something that I am familiar with. I don't go out looking for these people. They just seem to find me. I always keep to the right hand side of the sidewalk, and it seems to drive some Koreans up the wall. They want to get over on my right hand side in the worst way. And that's what they get. When I put my shoulder into them, they look at me like they're seeing me for the first time. Watch where you're going, motherfucker!

  2. What's Kana World Liquor's website? ^^

  3. Stig, I stayed to the left knowing they would stay right. Ah fuck it I knew they would be mooks. :)

  4. Umm Monsieur baekseju I got it from you ... :) Kana kaja .. same same :)

  5. Hahaha ! Ok, I had the website already! Thanks a lot, brother.

    It happens to me all the time (to put a Korean on his ass because he doesn't care about what's ahead of him).

  6. Sometimes they pull their head out of their ass and move out of my way. Sometimes. :)

  7. I try to not be confrontational about walking. All I do is stop, so they must go around me. There is no physical contact and no hostility by them. It's very easy and simple. Let them deal with the problem instead because it is not your fault.

    Last, there is something about their status in friendships about being the same, so no one wants to be seen walking behind their friends like inferiors or something. They must walk side by side like robots or will die or some nonsense.

  8. I once had a taxi driver ask me if all Canadians were fat... I then asked him if all Koreans were dumb asses... in Korean. It made my day.. LOL

  9. Brent

    Hmmm ... never thought about the side by side walking. Good point.
