Sunday, February 28, 2010

What the ... referral?!?!?

Hey Stig we have kind of, sort of, maybe made the mainstream media back home. :)

Someone who visited What the kimchi??? was referred by what looks to be a site affiliated with Macleans magazine.

They have a listing of blog views about the "controversy" surrounding the Canadian Women's Hockey Team's celebrating the gold. Our "What the ... celebration?!?!?" post made the list.

Woo hoo! It is nice to see by the list that Canadians feel the complaints were bull shit. Party on girls!!!!!

In other news there was another interesting referral site. One person was referred by a google search for "kimchi smell soju."


  1. Yip yip. we're famous now. I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. Demille.

  2. Another interesting referral came from a google search for "korea times copy editor." We showed up in it. :)
