Friday, February 5, 2010

Living in Korea

I have been thinking about posting about life in Korea from Day. While restoring/reloading stuff on my computer after the last great catastrophe I came across my emails from my first 5 years in Korea. I used to email a group of friends back home a lot about what was going on. It got me thinking about posting some of them, even at the risk of looking stupid. I swallowed a lot of the kool-aid that was being passed out my 1st year.

The emails didn't cover everything, and some things are missing. So if I do this it may appear a bit disjointed. Some posts will be recollections. Others will be based on the emails. I hope it works out.

For me the decision to come to South Korea wasn't a difficult decision but normally it would have been. If you knew me you would never have expected it though. Change isn't something I enjoy. When I am comfortable I don't like it to change. When I am uncomfortable it isn't always easy for me to change. Strange eh?

I was at a point in my life where I actually wanted a change. A big change. And it is hard to get much bigger than packing up your life into 2 suitcases and flying half way around the world to live and work.

I didn't really expect to stay beyond a year or two. And I didn't come looking for love. I came for the change in life, and to experience another part of the world. I have always loved to travel and wanted to expand my horizons. By coming here I could do both.

Well, I don't want to get into too much in this post. The rest of the story will follow.

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