Thursday, November 18, 2010

What the ... headline?!?!?

Once again the Korea Times, Worst in the Nation, is headlining a story from another country. A story that continues their goal of making foreigners look evil. Why would I say that? Well, look at their track record of stories. Look at their use of lies and innuendo to make foreigners, especially those teaching English in South Korea, look evil.

I am not saying they shouldn't have this story. It is news. Many other countries have carried the story. Only the Korea Times carried it as a Front Page, 2nd Headline story. Which kind of makes you wonder about their intentions. OK, if you know anything about the Terrible Times you don't wonder. This kind of bullshit is par for the course with them.

As usual with the Korea Times, Worst in the Nation, it doesn't attribute the paper/online site it lifted the story from. A story which is verbatim what appeared on The Daily Chili. The title, the content, everything was plagiarised for your reading enjoyment.


  1. They've kinda mistaken "French" and "Gypsies residing in France" in these articles.

  2. Accuracy isn't something I expect from the Korea Times. ;) Guess I should add The Daily Chili to that too.

    Is it as big a story in France? Front Page news?

  3. Nah, this kind of shit happens all the time in the Gypsy community. Speaking about it openly would be considered as aimed discrimination toward the Gypsies. It probably is in the random stuffs section of the local newspaper.

  4. Considering the Korea Times latest headline about UFO's in the UK I am not surprised to hear you say it the other story wasn't headline news in France. :)

  5. I thought Sarkozy sent the gypsies "home" anyways?

  6. Like Terminator, they always come back.
